Thursday, January 17, 2019

Out of Florida, heading ... south? east?

The new cable bobstay in place of the old chain looks great and ready for adventure.
I don't think the bilge pump has turned on more than a time or two since we repaired things, at least I've never caught it in action. The new alternator belt is finally tight enough.. I hope... that we will no longer open the engine room to find piles of rubber dust and a loose belt. Cynthia has packed every space in the boat with goodies and I have no idea where most things are, but I'll find them. Yesterday she even made a fitted sheet for our bed in the aft stateroom. And we've done so many more things! I think we are ready, finally, to depart....even though the dinghy leaks abominably (I'll fix it as we sail).

And, of course, when one is ready, the weather has to butt-in with issues.... it looks QUITE interesting, enough so that I even considered odd options. I think we will simply head south, spend a day on Cay Sal Bank, then continue southeast toward the Virgin Islands. Possibly we may stop in the Bahamas or Turks and Caicos, or we may push on through. We shall see.

I've found a good blog site and an email service that will work over my satellite phone, but it is all plain text: even signing into gmail would take hours at the slow data rate available. So, if you want to follow us, go to
or contact us at

I'll post our location and a few words at least once per day, probably twice. We may go fast and get to St John in ten days, but more likely will mess about and get there in a matter of three or four weeks.
