The reef has gradually been getting cleaner and cleaner as we keep at it: the first time we picked up electronics from shipwrecks and other heavy stuff that had been there forever, but now most is lightweight and we can actually pick up nearly everything. We might pick up plastic bottles and bottle caps and bag them without a word, laugh as we toss in a single nice blue leather loafer, or ask for help untangling a section of fish net from the coral. And the treasures: this Sunday we found a nice fender, a good snorkel, a hat, an excellent deck scrub brush, a boat hook, and a big tangle of black poly rope (filled a white bag).
All this stuff left no room on the kayak for unimportant items... like us. We swam, pulling the kayak back to Dorado. We sailed back to my mooring and Peter immediately bought the fender and we took the trash ashore... where we ran into Paz, a local character, who pounced upon the poly rope for use with his fish trap. Nice to have trash off the beach and into landfill or into hands that appreciate it. We even got a cheer from a house overlooking the reef! Win-win-win: very nice.
Still fishless, we dove at Hansen Bay the next morning early, but STILL found no lions. Cynthia suggested that we had nearly two days to sail to Brown Bay and back, check the shore for more interesting flotsam (especially fenders), and patrol my assigned section of shoreline to clear out any lionfish. We could sail close to shore, spot fenders, and let her off in the kayak to retrieve them and bring them back..
Was I up for such an adventure? Heck, yeah! Up went the sail and off we set. We spotted the first fender just east of Newfound Bay, heaved-to, and awkwardly got Cynthia onto the kayak. The shore landing was not easy, but she did it, collected the fender, and returned. This time I had her climb onto the stern of the boat and this turned out to be far easier that the rough lee side.
After another mile we spotted one... two... three more! Heave-to, climb into the kayak (off the stern, this time!) and off to collect, scout, look for beach glass, etc. I waited and waited, the boat slowly moving along, but gently enough that I could go below, clean up, etc while I waited.
She returned with the kayak absolutely LADEN with fenders and debris, so we loaded them aboard (not very easy in the waves and wind and getting a bit too close to the lee shore for comfort) and then she paddled ahead, scanning the shore as she surfed down the following waves.
This worked fine: she would paddle and I sail, or she would go close to shore or land while I heaved-to. Then adventure struck: I looked up and something seemed very wrong with my mainsail... and I realized it had ripped 3/4 of the way from leech to luff... Yes, I probably said four-letter words, maybe even "Argh! More work!"... or less printable stuff.
OK, don't panic, drop sail so it doesn't rip farther, furl jib, drop anchor.... and make sure it holds.
Cynthia noticed a certain lack of sails and paddled out and climbed aboard and we held a council and decided that, since we were close to Brown Bay (we were a half mile upwind) that we should shelter there and contemplate further. This worked perfectly: we tied the ripped main down securely to the boom, pulled the anchor, unfurled the jib, and headed downhill. Fifteen minutes later we dropped anchor in ten feet of water with far less current and wave action: much nicer!
So, we snagged some food and considered our options.
>Call for assistance? Well, that can be a fallback.
>Sail downwind with the jib about fifteen miles (four to six hours) to Manfred's to have him fix it? Hmm.... might be some tricky stuff at the end... and we would need to leave the boat in St Thomas for weeks.
>Sail downwind with the jib to Red Hook (about seven miles (two hours) and take sail across island to Manfred's to have him fix it? possible.... but would still probably leave the boat in St Thomas for weeks while we were in Cape Cod.
>shorten sail down in an extreme reef and sail back to Coral Bay? Possible.
>use duct tape for a temporary repair?
>use sail cloth for a temporary repair? Hmm... this has far more appeal, even though it will take a while. But how? Tape? Bolts? Glue? Stitching?
It turns out that I have some ripped old sails that I use for wind scoops, dodgers, biminis, sunshades, etc. We cut a couple strips of cloth from one measuring 6"x6' and pulled out some fabric glue I had bought for assembling my mattresses. We dried the sail when the sun emerged from the clouds, laid out the rip in the cabin, and taped it together, then flipped it and glued a strip of cloth in place. Then flipped it again, pulled the tape off, and glued the other piece of cloth in place. So far, so good! This might even be strong enough to get us home as is!
Next, we used an awl to punch holes for a nice zigzag stitch (both of us were sore from this for days afterward),
then hung up the sail,
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I ran a few stitches to test things... |
(We got seven! Cynthia even got two that had stymied me for months! She is definitely the better hunter.), then sewed some more. By noon we were done,
reinstalled the sail, and raised it.
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The sail ripped right above the batten |
We raised anchor and headed home, wind diminishing. Cynthia took the helm the entire way, leaving me rather bored... until I recalled jobs that needed doing and rinsed some clothes, tested an electrical tester, worked on stopping leaks along the mast, and re-installed the lens in the aft cabin hatch (it has always leaked... and let in LOTS of salt water in the last couple weeks!). Finally the the last breath of wind took us to the mooring and we secured everything before our last bits of energy ran out.
Another couple days seized and throttled, as Calvin might say.
Of course, now Cynthia and I are feeling exhausted and she is back to work... but the memories are good. Very good, indeed.
But.... now I need to deal with the sail. Repair, replace? Buy used or new? Ah, decisions!
Unbelievable adventure! Hooray for you & Cynthia thinking your way out of a pickle, and working hard at the solution. Now what's this about finding fenders all over?youre finding great stuff.
ReplyDeleteThese fenders are the sort that keep boats from getting scratched against docks or other boats, not the sort that protect cars. Anything that can get lost from a boat, will get lost.. and, if it floats, will wash ashore. Treasure and trash.