Friday, January 30, 2015

Winter Storm Juno: the 2015 Nor-easter

When I decided to come up to Cape Cod in January, I knew I'd be able to deal with some important stuff, but really hoped to go foraging for oysters... and had a bit of hope of seeing Cape Cod in the snow, perhaps as much as a foot if we had a really good storm.
Important stuff: check.
Oysters: check.

​........... but no snow...

until a big storm came in on Monday night and shut down the Northeast. Before sunset, snow lightly covered everything.

Monday night, snow fell thickly after sunset and gusts roared at over 50mph around the house, rattled the windows and vents, ripped off shingles, and slipped in through all the tiny gaps of the house. Thank goodness the temperature was up near freezing. Power flicked off for several seconds at a time, then came back on.

The next morning the wind continued, scouring the ground clear in places and piling snow several feet deep in others. Even the mahogany I had piled in the sheltered porch in the lee of the house had six inches of snow on it.

 And that night.... it continued. Power quit completely for over an hour and the house temperature plummetedfifteen or twenty degrees, then took hours to recover. We piled more wood on the fire and blankets on top of us.

We woke to find wind and snow continuing, but greatly diminished. Our road still blocked by big drifts (still blocked this evening), we instead walked the mile or so each way to the lighthouse and to the local market to snag a couple of items and take photos.

What a storm! This is by far the biggest blizzard I ever recall. Awesome!

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