Friday, August 15, 2014

playing Sherlock in Chatham

​Wednesday morning (July 30) I accompanied Andrew on one of his long walks to the south cut, walking along the outside shoreline exposed by the low tide, then following it into the inside. We found a couple quahogs exposed by the strong currents, then Andrew said "Hey, look at that!" and pointed to a red camera in the sand. I snagged it and water ran out (obviously NOT waterproof), then put it in the plastic bag with the three clams. I assumed we would simply toss it out, but forgot and put the entire bag in the fridge.

On August 2, I cleared the clams from the fridge and put them out on the mooring and brought the camera inside. I took out the camera card, rinsed and dried it for hours, then put it in my computer....and the computer read it. Ann suggested I could use Facebook to recognize the people (although I am not yet a member). I quickly copied the pics to the hard drive and took a look.

Chatham, bandstand, parade, Vermont, Borego Springs/Joshua Tree.....and Stage Harbor....on a Beetle Cat....along with pictures of people and a boathouse. I knew the spot, so grabbed the computer, camera, and card and set out. Five minutes located the boat and boathouse, so I went to the nearest house and, after a few moments of suspicion, the gal who came out (bearing a couple of young kids) said "I am pretty darned sure I know these folks! They are going to be SO surprised!"

So, leaving her with camera, card, and my email, I headed home, rather pleased with my little sleuthing efforts....except that I took no photos! Still, here is one of the bit of shoreline I first recognized....

Perhaps I'll check, when I return in two weeks, to make sure the right folks got their photos...

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