Wednesday, July 30, 2014

July 15, 2014: 1) scavengers?, 2) my seatmate (cute!), 3) cute blue eyes...and tentacles, 4) nice sunset!

Before I left the islands, I took my bag of trash to the dumpster and grabbed the opportunity to shoot these scavengers:

I forgot to mention the wonderful creature who sat beside me on the flight from St Thomas to Miami, a creature who immediately captured my heart and made me smile. I can't recall the name, but the experience....Fun!

Walking on the Mill Pond beach at a very low tide, I saw water arc into the air and had to investigate. In a puddle left by the minus tide I saw a little scallop, perhaps an inch across. I brought it up and put it in a glass dish so we could observe it for ten minutes, then returned it to the water. I had never realized they had tentacles.

Beautiful sunsets here, although the cloud formations (and, therefore, the sunsets) are very different. I'm pretty pleased with the new camera I bought a few months back.

Well, so far, so good. I've found friends, adventures, clams, and lots of sand bars..... but am still looking for the answers to life's persistent questions. I'll let you know when I find them....if only I can write them down before I'm distracted...

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