Thursday, September 14, 2023

Hurricane Lee, Solar Panel Update, and Ghost Pipes

Here I am, in a nice hurricane hole in Onset, with a beautiful blue sky and lovely breeze.... and my weather report says that in a couple hours the skies will cloud over and winds will rise. The storm is so huge, however, that the worst will not hit until about forty hours from now, then rapidly abate. I've worried a good bit over the last week, but the worst appears to be missing us and I probably won't see winds over 35 knots or so. I laugh at this so-called storm!... just kidding: this is always serious.

My new solar panels are working well. I am slowly cooking some slices of sweet potato for Monty over my induction burner and am still adding power to my batteries. I've even turned off my propane since I hardly use it. Very satisfactory.

Monty seems sad, perhaps because Cynthia and lucy departed yesterday. On the other hand, we are both glad to be back on board: the beds seem to bother Cynthia's back, so we spent her visit ashore except for the weekend she spent visiting friends in the Springfield region. I missed my boat!

Finally, some weeks ago I walked through a yard in Chatham and spotted what I first thought were unfamiliar fungi, but on closer look appeared to have vestigial leaves and definite flowers. I identified them as Ghost Pipes, a native parasitic plant living on nutrients stolen from the roots of other plants. Rather beautiful and quite cool!

Carpe diem: I should go swimming right now before the temperature drops and the wind rises....


  1. Very cool, stay safe but I know you will. What is your output of your solar panels? The stove looks very interesting. Will have to check it out. I assume its 120v running off an inverter? How many watts does it use?
    Sale is still ongoing ok. Had a major survey.
    Looks like Lee will stay further to the east. Let’s hope!

    1. Rated output is 800 watts. I often see 30 or 40 amps at 13V.

      The cooktop is Duxtop. I have been using the Wirecutter budget pick single burner, but upgraded to the dual burner recently. Max power is 1800 watts [15amps at 120V]. This dual burner is more like the quality pick Duxtop. Power gets distributed between the burners: if you are just using one, all power is available.

      Storm is going fine, so far. Rain and wind diminishing.

  2. I'll be thinking about you and Monty! Stay safe!

  3. Would love to see you! Give us a shout when you head southward!

    1. I'll post something on my blog... or send me a text or email.
