Monday, May 16, 2022

Back on the sea again!

 After a long winter ashore, I'm finally back at sea, although mostly anchored.

Last Wednesday, Monty and I said goodbye to Gypsy, his best friend in the marina,

motored out of the marina in Bridgeton, and set about 1/2 of the jib in strong and gusting north winds.

Cloudy, cold, stormy, occasional strong periods of wind causing things below to slide to the cabin sole: what a wonderful day for Monty's very first sail! OK, I'm being sarcastic, but he did darned well and climbed into my lap for comfort and safety rather than leaping from the boat and striking out for shore, although I had him leashed and safety netting strung onto the lifelines to prevent him succeeding, had he tried.

Mostly, he relaxed...

Winds were strong enough that, for the first time ever, I sailed all the way from New Bern to the bay inside Cape Lookout without needing to run the engine. We ran it only to get out of the marina and again at the end for a few minutes to place the two anchors I prefer, especially in these strong winds. We then relaxed and waited for winds to die down enough to launch dinghy for shore, Monty showing considerable patience and using his shipboard toilet facilities for the first time: what a good dog!

In the days since, we have walked the shores of Shackleford Island and visited the wild horses and found a burrowing crab, 

then moved to the south end of the bay (before the wind switched to south) and walked two to three hours every day on Cape Lookout. Monty showed concern the first time he saw me don wetsuit etc to swim under the boat to handle maintenance, but the next day simply relaxed in the dinghy with complete unconcern while I completed the tasks. He does like to keep an eye on me...

And on the boats, birds, and porpoises around us.

Monty's joy is walking the shore, wading in the tidepools and shoals, and exploring. I find delight in his happy exploration of his new life and in his adaptation to boat life.


  1. Thanks for the update Skip! I've missed your posts... it is finally warming up here. Boats are launching and we look forward to the day you sail into Stage Harbor :-)

  2. This is marvelous, Skip! Monty the sailor!
