Friday, November 22, 2019

Back in NC, working on the boat and adjusting plans

Chilly and cold: got down to 36degF the first night.... it took long johns, a blanket, and a quilt to sleep warm. Fortunately, the sun comes out and makes "the sunroom" (the cockpit) nice and toasty, but cold air sinks and climbing down into the cabin feels like descending into a refrigerator. On the bright side, this does make life very easy for the actual fridge!

Also on the bright side: working outdoors is far more comfortable than in the sweaty summer. I climbed up the mast yesterday to check halyard chafing and standing rigging. All the stays etc look good and I THINK the bronze strip I screwed into place will stop the chafing. I'll check it again after a week or so of sailing.

I love the view from high on the mast.
And, although I'm surrounded by fairly tall boats that block my view of sunrise and sunset,
a short walk down the dock helps with sunsets.

Travel plans have changed, as usual. I try to do what works rather than sticking to a set plan. In this case, my folks are spending Thanksgiving in DC with my brother and his family and this is a doable drive: only six hours. SO, rather than Cynthia joining me tomorrow (11/23), she will stay in MI and deal with her items for a bit and I will work on the boat. I'll rent a car and, on Wednesday, drive up to DC and meet her at the airport, then continue on to my brother's place. Friday or Saturday, we will drive back here, load up on groceries, and head south.... weather permitting. Optimally, we will get to stop by Wayfarer's Cove again, then ride a north or west wind down the coast to some national seashores, catching another tuna or other tasty fish along the way. Then down to FL to visit friends (mid December?), and then out to the Bahamas and putter our way toward the Virgin Islands.

Ah, adventure!


  1. Where are you? I’m at a meeting in Edenton NC this weekend. :)

  2. Happy Thanksgiving!! Hope to see you again around March.

    Glenn and Jana

    1. I'm thinking mid or late March.... and already looking forward to it!
