Sunday, May 27, 2018

Stalking the wild asparagus in Michigan

9am, May 27
I'm sitting in the Muskegon, MI airport, waiting for security to open for my flight to CA for ten days: good opportunity to write up a blog post!

As a child, Stalking The Wild Asparagus stood high in my list of favorite books, not that we had a whole lot of actual asparagus in Cincinnati: we would be lucky to find a handful of stalks each year. North of Grand Haven, however, many fields grew the stuff as a commercial crop for years and, although the fields are now orchards or corn, the seeds the birds spread far and wide mean that the feathery stalks are a common roadside plant and, in the spring, we look for the old weathered remains as markers for the new shoots that rise in May.

Cynthia and I, unused to such bounty, have been picking the stuff by the quart, eating loads, and giving some away. Lucy enjoys nibbling the stalks and sometimes we need to repeatedly force her back so she does not eat our harvest, although she has not yet shown interest in the unpicked stuff.


  1. So...where are the suggestions for the best ways to prepare and cook this roadside wonder? :)

  2. It's delicious raw when it is young and tender.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. with admiration for your ability to explore wherever you are ... or, as Peter L memorably
    said when you were much younger: "Skip never has nothing to do!"
