As my heart gradually slowed, I did the rounds, checking anchor lines and neighboring boats: the new arrival was making huge loops as it navigated the forces of wind and tide while the longer anchorage inhabitants moved slowly or sat steady. Perhaps 70 degF, a steady breeze under clear skies, and a bright moon.... not bad at all. And, after some yoga finally calmed my heart and eased my various aches, I brewed up some hot mocha and watched the sun rise.

BTW, I have had some trouble with dirty fuel and am going to solve it this week. And I have dragged anchor before, although not enough to hit another boat... but did have one drag into me a few weeks ago: no significant damage, thank goodness. Ah, the adventures of living in a boat: people in houses hardly ever have a neighboring domicile come knocking in the night!
That's all for now!